
  • Conduct research and develop knowledge to support Thailand Integrated Energy Blueprint (TIEB)
  • Create and transfer high-quality energy technological knowhow to stakeholders to make a positive impact
  • Work with both government and industry partners on research and development of energy technologies
  • Integrate major resources from various channels to perform tasks and deliver outputs

Core Value

  • Nation First: Act in nation’s best interest, be socially responsible and dedicated to the common goal
  • Science and Technology Excellence: Committed to excellence, culminating from curiosity, initiative, and creativity, in every aspect with the highest standards
  • Teamwork: Work cooperatively, be open to criticism and play a constructive role, subscribe to two-way communication
  • Deliverability: Deliver quality output as promised, and contribute to a stimulating and agile workplace
  • Accountability and Integrity: Adhere to morality, ethics, and transparency; stand up for a good cause