Message from the Chairman of ENTEC Executive BoardThe Fiscal Year 2023 saw the National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC), a member of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) under MHESI, in its third year since the establishment with the key mission to create research and development (R&D) outputs in the field of energy with palpable and noticeable benefits to the society. The Executive Board acknowledges ENTEC’s growing potential, and encourages its cooperation with government and private institutions – both domestic and overseas – to reach even higher levels of visibility and commercialization. ENTEC, with its knowledge and expertise, has brought social and economic benefits to several sectors including industrial, agricultural, and public, fulfilled its commitments on R&D outputs (qualitatively and quantitatively), and actively engaged in supporting and driving one of Thailand’s key national policies ‘Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy’ in the Energy, Material and Chemical Biology Sector.

On behalf of ENTEC Executive Board, I would like to send this sincere message of appreciation to all ENTEC executives and staff, as well as to all of ENTEC’s domestic and overseas partners and R&D networks in government, private and education sectors, for their continuous determination and effort in developing and delivering energy solutions for Thailand. I believe that ENTEC will continue to be a key part in strengthening Thailand’s energy technology capability, improving quality of life for the people, and boosting the level of competitiveness for the nation.

Professor Sirirurg Songsivilai
Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Energy Technology Center

The world might have persevered past the peak of COVID-19 global pandemic, but the ‘energy crisis’ is still at a threatening level. Covering a wide range of problems from energy shortage to environmental impacts associated with the energy sector, these challenges not only cause predicaments to our lives as individuals but also to the economy. Energy security and sustainability are extremely vital to the survival and stability of the country. From creating energy innovations to finding new sources of energy, to name but a few, energy R&D helps the country reduce import reliance and boost up energy stability while heading toward achieving ‘Carbon Neutrality 2030’ and ‘Net-Zero Emission’ goals – driving the country’s transition toward the direction in line with the global community.

National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC) was established by the Cabinet Resolution of the Royal Thai Government on June 9, 2020, as the fifth national research center of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI). In Fiscal Year 2023, ENTEC has set out four strategies to achieve its goal by 2027: strengthening energy R&D capability toward successful utilization; transferring energy technologies and innovations supporting Thai industry to reach global stages; strengthening collaborations and alliances to solve for demand for future energy; driving energy transition toward carbon neutrality and sustainability. In essence, ENTEC has fulfilled targets for deliverables and made satisfactory progress in various key areas. 

On this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude to all members of ENTEC for their united effort – from R&D to all other related activities – to promote and transfer technologies to utilization, raising the country’s competitiveness, improving quality of life, and facilitating a sustainable growth of innovation-based economy for the country.


Dr. Sumittra Charojrochkul
Executive Director
National Energy Technology Center


International awards and achievements

2,100 million THB

Generated positive impact from economic, societal
and environmental perspectives

1,045 million THB

Investment in science and technology successfully induced for the manufacturing and service sectors


International academic publications


Intellectual property applications



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